Dominoes and Bass!!!

Created by Stewart 3 years ago

Richie treated me like a little brother.He would always greet me with a growl and a stern look but he couldn't hold it long and was soon laughing out loud at something I said.

Richie introduced me to some amazing tunes...I remember the first big  party at 718 and Rich and his crew turned up in a couple vans and started carrying what looked like wardrobes into the front room....when I realised they were speakers I knew the music was going to be the real deal and I wasn't wrong.

I spent most of the party just off to his side watching him spin music I had never heard before but instantly loved.I spent many a party doing the same thing.In fact just thinking about it has me shaking as I type!!

When the bass wasn't rattling  through me the sound of one of his KEY DOMINOES was....another thundering slap usually accompanied by a look that said..."Yes Stewart that's right,once again I am victorious !!"....

I'll miss you big man but I hope we meet again somewhere on the other side....All my love,your wee brother,Stewart.